Best movies to watch during Christmas

Paige McCorkle, Staff Writer

There are a ton of movies out there (new and old) that are about Christmas. Watching movies that relate to the holiday that is going on around you is a good way to get in the spirit. Every year all around the world, when Christmas day starts to near, people set up their Christmas trees and hang lights because it is traditional. It is tradition to watch Christmas movies also.

“How The Grinch Stole Christmas” is a classic movie that has been around since 2000. (The Jim Carrey version) is one of the best movies to watch during Christmas because it shows how the holidays are about the importance of your community and coming together.

“The Polar Express” is a requirement to watch before you hit the age of 10 and it is shown in elementary schools everywhere. This is a must have to watch and has been around since 2004.

“The Nightmare Before Christmas” is a childhood favorite that was popular when it came out in 1993 and still popular to this day by all ages. It is not hard to miss what this story is telling you about leadership and growing up.

Who knew that watching Christmas movies would teach great life lessons?