I’m too sexy for my…stamps?

I love mail fashion. Something about different stamp designs and trying to match the color of them to manila envelopes gets me going.

Oh wait, wrong kind of mail? Oh well, I love male fashion, too.

For a lot of guys, looking good can mean throwing on their favorite T-shirt with their best jeans and a flat bill. While this can look alright for an everyday casual look, any good man needs to learn how to dress to impress.

Listen fellas, I know dressing up can be intimidating. It’s scary to stand out. But trust me, once you’re dressed up you will stand out in a good way. Immediately you will be transported into a social class that no one around you is in.

Recently, I’ve fallen in love. I just can’t get enough of the warm, firm grasp that my… suspenders give me.

If you men want to make the ladies swoon, throw on some suspenders, a tie, and a dress shirt. It says that you aren’t afraid to look good, and you’re confident enough to try a look that no one else is willing to risk trying.

So if you want a well-titled ZZ Top tune to be your theme song, follow my advice this summer and into next year.