Tough times don’t last, tough people do

Jordyn Bennett, Staff Writer


School. Everyone goes through years of the grueling eight-hour days. For myself, I have always loved school; in elementary school, I dearly admired my school, my teachers and the curriculum. As I have grown older, school has grown much more tiring. But I still love it, and I endure day-to-day work because free public schooling is a right that I am privileged to have.

When people talk about how high school flies by, they certainly aren’t lying.This last year seemed to have just started, and I have already said farewell to the seniors with whom I’ve become acquainted. This year has truly been one of the hardest, most life-changing years of my life. In school, I have overcome severe laziness from which I have suffered for quite some time.


Academically, I am a rather bright girl. I just cease to do all of my work, but when I complete an assignment, it is done to the best of my ability. I do the majority of my work, but sometimes life just seems to get in the way.

Many people believe school is a first priority. I, on the other hand, do not. I maintain stable grades, and I care about school, but it should not be the most important aspect of life.


This year has shown me the balance between self-wellness and high school. If I’m having a bad day, and the tears billow out of my ducts and my throat is sore from sobbing, I more than likely won’t do my two-point math assignment for the next day. I also believe that you should be attentive toward your true goals, versus goals in school.


As much as I would love to be a 4.0 student, it simply isn’t me. I’m sure I could achieve it, but I don’t have the stable goal of a solid GPA. My goals pertain to mental, as well as physical, wellness of myself and my friends. As long as I’m a general A and B student, I focus more on life itself. I’m not sure too many people realize it at this point, but there is more to life than these 13 years that we live through within the brick and cinderblock walls.
This school year has been an amazing year overall. I made friends, pushed myself to new academic levels, and found myself. I also found a love, but that is a completely different story, for a completely different time. I love C. M. Russell High School. I am glad that this is where I chose to attend for four of the most important years I will ever live through. The people, staff, and memories here are nothing short of phenomenal.