It is not lost on anyone that the culinary room is a class filled with delights that leave the school wishing they could wander in and have a piece of whatever is being made. Given its notoriety, it should come as no surprise that some small rodents found themselves drawn to the same aromatic heaven.
On Jan. 29, there were reports of a mouse burrowing in the culinary room. The mouse narrowly escaped the outreaching hands of students Keira Patterson, Josh Schultz, and Alexys Fisher as they did their best to catch the menace in the mixers. The mouse swiftly made its exit through what would later be identified as a hole behind an oven, made to run wires through. Teacher Danielle Stark, after hearing the word of the mouse, exited the classroom without delay.
Stark sent student Kaydence Gilroy to retrieve physics teacher Jordan Hollern, and promptly rid her class of the mouse issue. Hollern found the Mouse’s escape after pulling back the oven from the wall and finding previous steel wool, used to stuff the mouse out, in disarray. Hollern, with the help of students, placed new steel wool in place of the old in case the mouse was not otherwise frightened of its new experience with what it had hoped to be a jackpot.
The following day, students moved to the conjoined room next to the culinary room due to Stark’s fear of what could come from the mouse. In addition to the change in location, Stark recruited a few students to sit in on her class during their lunch in case the mouse returned. They were rewarded for their bravery with extra food from lunches given to teachers, consisting of chimichangas with mole sauce. Unfortunately, the students were unable to locate the mouse, even after setting out traps attempting to lure the mice out with extra Goldfish supplied by Keira Patterson.
Thankfully, there were no traces of the mice around the food items, but the Wranglers caught sight of one of the mice one morning during their practice. Wrangler captain Kaydence Gilroy said “the whole dance team got a scare.”
There has yet to be another sighting of the mice that scared Stark so severely, she was unable to give a comment. She stated “It was too much, I do not want to bring it up again,” she said.
The alleged six mice are still at large, but we have many faculty and students in search of these ferocious creatures. Fear not, the beasts that terrorized the culinary room and our Wranglers will be apprehended.