On Jan. 31, HB371 was introduced by Greg Kmetz (R-Miles City) in the Montana Legislature which aims at the banning of mRNA vaccines. The reason they wish to ban these vaccines is because mRNA vaccines have caused enormous numbers of deaths, disabilities, and adverse events. While also there has been no long-term studies have been conducted regarding fertility, teratogenicity, mutagenicity, or oncogenicity. Some examples of mRNA vaccines are Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine) and Spikevax (Moderna Vaccine) both being major vaccines to protect from COVID-19.
My opinion on this bill going into action is kind of one-sided seeing that I have had the COVID-19 vaccine given to me twice and I have had no negative effects. According to the bill, one of the reasons they want these vaccines banned is because of the number of deaths, disabilities, and serious adverse events. Nationwide, there have been 55 recorded deaths that happened or are related to the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine while a relationship has been excluded in 17 cases, while another 8 cases relationships were not specified. So 25 out of those 55 cases have little/no relationship in between the COVID vaccine and death, which denounces the total idea of the COVID-19 vaccine causing more death than help.
There are also many positives that come with mRNA vaccines, one of the major examples being the treating of cancer and the high efficacy in treating illness. Some of the other vaccines that are mRNA include Avian Bird Flu, Hepatitis C, HIV, and Influenza. Most of these vaccines have caused more good than harm.