If you’re a fan of books that are full of suspense and that keep you on the edge of your seat reading what happens next. Are you also a fan of mysteries so complex that if you read the book a second time you can find the connection between the beginning of the book and the end.
“Tell No One” by Harlan Coben is the book for you. This book is thrilling, mysterious, and suspenseful. The main character is Dr. David Beck, who is married to Elizabeth Beck, but then tragedy strikes with the sudden murder of Elizabeth. Eight terrible years go by and suddenly, while at work, he gets e-mailed a video that reveals that his wife may not actually be dead. My favorite character is probably David because of all the stuff he goes through just trying to find out if his wife is alive or not and how he gets through it. The story also kept me guessing about what happened next or if Elizabeth was alive. I don’t think there is much I disliked about the book; it’s an amazing read. This book has 370 pages and is under the thriller genre. If I were to give this book a rating, it would be five stars out of five.