Freshman class acclimating to CMR
Photo by Julia Gremaux
A Foundations of Science class listens to teacher Josy McLean on Oct. 4.
October 6, 2016
Besides the fact that CMR is bigger than North Middle School, freshman William McMullen hasn’t noticed much difference between middle school and high school.
“In middle school they acted like high school was going to be this super hard thing, but once you actually get there it’s not that hard,” McMullen said. “It hasn’t been terribly different for me.”
One adjustment he’s had to make, though, is the difference in late-work policies.
“At the beginning I was used to having like a week [to turn in work], and here you have a couple of days,” he said. McMullen added that it’s not too difficult to keep track of.
“The teachers are kind of friendly and make sure you get your work done on time,” he said.
The best part about high school?
“You can go off campus to eat,” McMullen said. “Like eating at Sam’s. I pack my lunch some days so I don’t spend like $20 a week.”
Similarly, freshman Brianna Becker enjoys the freedom to go out to eat.
“I go to the dollar store,” Becker said.
Like McMullen, Becker has had to acclimate to the new late-work policy, explaining that at North, students were allowed to turn in late work several days after it was due. In these past few weeks, Becker has also figured out how to navigate CMR.
“I’d go to the wrong floor,” Becker said.
Both freshmen, though, have adjusted easily to CMR and are enjoying high school.
Freshman English teacher Kasi Thompson is especially enthusiastic this year. She already has high hopes for the incoming freshmen.
“Overall, [I] love this class. They’re very respectful, you know for the most part they’re very productive, very responsible,” Thompson said. “Freshmen are always kind of nutty in the sense that they’re not jaded from school yet. They tend to be a little more enthusiastic about things.”
She said she loves teaching the freshmen because they don’t hold back on doing goofy things in class and they’re very productive but can still be trusted.
Thompson is most excited to get to know these kids and watch them grow from skittish, introverted kids to excited and comfortable kids by the end of the year. She isn’t excited for some lesson plans, however.
“I’m going to hound them on essays and persuasive writing, and although I know that’s very important it’s not the most fun thing to do,” she said.
“I just want to ensure that when they get to be sophomores they’re still nice, respectful human beings,” she said. Thompson not only wants to teach them the curriculum, but she also wants to make sure that her class leaves her at the end of the year with the same amount of enthusiasm and respect as they had when they first joined her class.
Overall, Thompson is planning on focusing on the students’ writing, but making sure they go through the year as intelligent, respectful young people.
Freshman Connor O’Hara has found that making upperclassmen friends helps with the transition.
“It’s nice to know and be friends with people who know what it’s like to be a freshman in my position,” O’Hara explained. “They give me good advice and tips to help make getting used to high school easier.”
Like many freshmen, O’Hara’s favorite part about making the change from middle to high school is open campus.
“It gives me a nice break during my day. That’s like the biggest change and freedom as well.”