High school band will never be the same

Chloe Geary, Staff Writer

Both of the high school band teachers in the district will change next year. At CMR, Russ Kellogg will be replaced by Chris Kloker, who’s been teaching in Dillon, Mont. for more than a decade.


Cece Grasseschi, a junior flute player said, “I’m not sure how next year will end up going. the class and all the activities outside the classroom will be altered, for sure.”


With this transition between the two teachers, Grasseshci and other juniors are nervous to be seniors next year.


“The incoming seniors will really have to step up. We’ll have to lead the band class and show the new teacher the traditions of CMR,” Grassechi said.


Fellow junior, Alex Finch agrees.


“I really don’t know what to expect out of band class next year. It will be hard as a senior, we’ll have to inform the new teacher of the way we normally function as a group. But I know that all teachers are different and won’t function the same way Kellogg does,” said Finch.


One of the major things that band class does is pep and marching band. Next year, Michael Michelson will lead the band as a drum major.


“I think Michael will do a great job next year as drum major, he’s been doing pep band since middle school. He’ll do really well with the transition and help keep the spirit of pep band alive,” Finch said.


Kellogg also thinks pep band will do well next year.

“The school that Kloker teaches at now probably does more pep band than we do. The most important thing to remember about this transition is to give him a chance to get established in his new position. It’s a really big job, and there’s a lot of things going on,” Kellogg said.


He will do his best to help Kloker become acclimated to his new job.


“I’ll help where I can. I plan on meeting up with all the juniors before the year ends, and just talk them through the things that will have to happen,” Kellogg said. “It’s definitely going to be different next year, but that doesn’t mean it will be worse, band might even become better.”