Skaer takes holiday spirit to the next level

Quinn Soltesz, Entertainment/Features editor

When it comes to holiday spirit week, ugly Christmas sweaters are common, crazy socks a norm, but few choose to dress up as an accurate rendition of a timeless character.

Math teacher Steven Skaer chose the last route, and dressed up as Cousin Eddie from the 1989 classic National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

Donning the white bathrobe and hunting hat, Skaer sought to make the week before Christmas as fun as possible, while also enjoying himself.

“I just thought it would be fun, and I thought that some kids would get what I am trying to dress up as,” he said.

Spirit week is new this year, and Skaer expressed excitement for the idea.

“I am hoping that kids in the future will also dress up, because a lot of kids don’t,” he said.

Inspiration came easy to this math teacher, as the film is one of his favorites.

As for why he would want to dress up as such a comic character, he replied, “The question is why wouldn’t you want to dress like Cousin Eddie? That’s what you should be figuring out.”