Distance learning helping students prepare for life

Katelyn Zuris, Russellog Staff


Virtual learning has been a challenge for most students who decided to go online this year due to the World Wide Covid pandemic. Senior Shaelynn McPherson said that learning from home has been the best thing to ever happen to her grades.

    “When we first had the choice to go online I was nervous about choosing  to stay home,” McPherson said. “I thought I would just slack off and get nothing done.”

 School has always been hard for McPherson, and she said that usually when she’s at school she gets distracted and gets caught up in way too much drama.

     “I have way more time since I chose to do my school work online; it’s so nice to be able to get all my work done on a Monday and have the rest of the week to work and hang out with friends,” McPherson said. Since she has gone remote she has picked up new hobbies. 

    “I have had a lot of extra time to explore and find new fun places to take pictures and adventure,”  she said. McPherson’s favorite place she has traveled to is the Broadwater Fitness Center AKA the Helena Hotsprings. 

    “Overall, I wouldn’t change this year at all. Not only have I had the opportunity to travel, but I’ve also learned  a lot of new things that will help me try to navigate my way through college,” McPherson said. If she gets accepted next year, McPherson will be attending University of Montana studying business and graphic design.