Senior Kaylee Goodrich keeps her options open
Photo by Jason Schaeffer
May 27, 2021
Senior Kaylee Goodrich has been looking forward to the upcoming graduation. Some students start planning their futures right away, but Goodrich wants to focus on the present.
“I have some options for the future, but right now I just want to focus on enjoying summer by having adventures and traveling,” she said.
School can be hard at times, especially making sure school work gets done on time. Goodrich said she found finals particularly difficult because they have such an exponential impact on grades and involve lots of studying.
Despite this heavy load, Goodrich still finds time to enjoy her time at CMR.
“My favorite part of school would’ve had to have been Homecoming weeks,” she said. “I also enjoyed being able to see my friends every day, which I’ll miss once we’re done.”
School memories tend to be things that are looked back on years later. Goodrich reflects on her years at CMR.
“My favorite memory out of the four years would have to be prom my sophomore year. It’s definitely a night I’ll never forget.”