After several months Leslie has grown to twice her size, making the cape she once was buried underneath far too short and ill fitting. Students in the hallways comment on her growth, awed at how quickly she transformed from small puppy to gangly puppy. As Leslie and I traveled the halls one person said to me, in what I am sure was meant to be an intelligent observation, “She used to be smaller!” I nodded and agreed with them, hurrying on to conceal my sarcastic smile. I realize not everyone has the privilege to observe her everyday growth and count it normal as I do. Her growth is a genuine surprise to the student populace. The constant reminder of her getting older and larger pricks at me, reminding me of her eventual departure. I especially wish she stayed a small puppy forever and never left me, but the reason I agreed to raise her is because someone needs her help. As a selfish teenager I hate that I have to give her up, but as a person helping someone by giving them a dog, it is an amazing act of kindness I can do for someone. For now, Leslie is sweet and small, really just an adorable mild mannered puppy that my teachers love to see about. Mrs. McGraw this was so kind as to pick up a small bone for Leslie to chew on during the long boring hours of class last week. I really appreciate these teachers for accepting Leslie as normality in the classroom. As she grows so does ease of people around her, though some people seem to still not understand her presence. Just this morning someone asked me if she was a drug dog or Seeing Eye dog and all I could do was smile and blink.