Trust yourself to make the right choices


After the first few days, that is all I have to say.

Well, not really.

I started aerobics this semester because I wanted to be active again after a year and a half of nothing beside occasional dancing and push-ups. I’ve always been bouncing-off-the-walls material, so I know I wasn’t a couch potato or anything. But still, I didn’t like that I was huffing and puffing when I climbed the stairs to the third floor.

So, I put this gym class on my schedule last year. I only started during second semester because the class was too full before. At first, I went to my counselor every day to try and get the class for the full year. That was before I realized just how much I love open periods.

Strolling through the hallways during sixth, I felt powerful. I felt free. I felt like I was completely in control of my life. When the bell rang, I was exempt. I could curl up on a couch in one of my other classrooms and sleep, sit in on an extra science class to get help in my own, work on homework, or just do whatever.

So you see, when second semester started looming closer and closer, my mind went into panic mode. What would I do without my spectacular open?

The first Monday came and went. The morning was full of worry about whether I should drop aerobics from my schedule or not. Then, afterwards, I was so happy.

Yeah, I’m one of those weirdoes who actually laughs when she works out. I love feeling so active. And yet, on Tuesday, my doubts started coming back again.

My arms and legs were so sore that I could barely move. Walking up the stairs, picking up a pencil,  or

hi-fiving my friends… that was pure torture. Ok, a little exaggeration, but only a little.

Now, after a few more days, it still hurts.

So, the moral of the story is: don’t do aerobics.

Just kidding. The real moral of the story is to trust yourself. I wanted to be active, but I almost gave up because I didn’t want to lose my freedom. Sometimes it’s a choice between two good things, and you just have to go with what feels most right to you. Sometimes that means getting out of your comfort zone. Sometimes that means making time for something different. Sometimes that means going on a ride on the Kim-garoo.