Editor in Chief Grace Carr shares updates
Photo by Nancy Beston
April 1, 2020
Hello Rustlers and fellow Great Fallsians.
As I am sure most of you have been made aware of, Governor Bullock announced a Stay at Home Directive on March 26. It began on March 28 at 12:01 a.m. and will be in effect until April 10, although this date may be extended.
Schools throughout the Great Falls district have been closed since March 16. This includes the cancellation and/or postponing of school-sponsored events such as prom and spring sports practices and competitions. Students have been continuing their education online using various tools, including Google Classroom, Planbook, and Instagram for live lectures.
The process has certainly been an adjustment for all CMR staff and students. My greatest sympathy goes out to my peers in the class of 2020. I know this certainly is not the senior year we expected, but I hope everyone is still taking precautions during this pandemic to reduce the spread.
Originally, the Stampede staff intended on producing two more issues in March and May, as well as the annual graduation magazine. However, due to our current circumstances, the March issue and magazine have been canceled. Whether or not we produce a May issue depends on our situation in the upcoming weeks.
For our readers, we will be updating our website with as much content from home as we can. Each staff member is currently writing a “Coronavirus opinion” article about our personal experiences and thoughts during this pandemic.
If you are an advertiser concerned with refunds and payment methods, we are working to contact and update you of your options. However, we will not take any further action until later in the school year. If you would like to contact us sooner, please feel free to send us an e-mail at [email protected] or call me at (406) 781-6345. Leave a voicemail and I will return your call as soon as possible.
We will keep everyone updated on any changes to the best of our ability, and more information is also being posted on the Great Falls Public Schools website. The Stampede staff, teacher Beth Britton, and myself all hope everyone is staying safe at home and doing their part for the community. To my fellow classmates and C. M. Russell High School staff, I hope to see you all in a few weeks.