For C.M. Russell’s track and field squad, one opponent has ruthlessly dominated the team no matter the date: Mother Nature.
What will soon be a mere memory, this winter season has fought the entire JV and Varsity group with no mercy the past month and a half. With gusting winds derailing javelins from their courses, hail raining down on distance runners, and icy roads quickly halting competitions outside of Great Falls, the recent weather has pushed and tried all the athletes and coaches.
“It’s a challenge to get quality practices in when the weather doesn’t cooperate,” said Danielle Ross, a sophomore javelin thrower who’s especially felt the effects of Montana’s climate. “It can be hard to compete to my full potential when the wind is so bad.”
Yet CMR has prevailed, disobeying the forecasts and making it out to Memorial Stadium to compete and practice whenever possible.
And as spring starts to creep into town, a silver lining becomes apparent as it thaws from its frozen state. The coaches are still pushing, and the athletes are still performing as personal records are shattered and the team prepares for the anticipated meet against Great Falls High on May 12, divisionals, and state.