A new teacher-librarian joins CMR
Photo by Emily Carter
October 31, 2019
Charles M. Russell High School is home to many new staff members this year, including a transfer from Great Falls Central Catholic High School who likes nature and animals.
“I love anything outdoors. [And] reading has always been a hobby. That’s what led to this career path,” teacher-librarian Noel Osterman said.
Osterman lives in Belt with her 11-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter. Due to their love of animals, Osterman’s family has two dogs (almost three, as her son is getting a puppy), a cat, a gecko, and a fish.
Osterman said that switching to CMR was a great opportunity to expand her experience in the library. In addition to being the librarian at Central, she taught Junior English, Senior English and AP Dual Enrollment English.
She had a lot of responsibilities at Central, and she said she decided to focus on building her library skills.