The 2011 C.M. Russell High School Awards Assembly was held in the auditorium May 9, with 65 students receving thousands of dollars in scholarships and recognition from the various departments in the school.
Nine students were recognized for their four years of work as 4.0 students. The 4x4s were given to: Leslie Bellwood, Cayley Fish, Katie Fish, Jack Martinez, Haley Mortenson, Eamon Ormseth, Tim Seery, Alison Sullivan and Haley Vining.
The Haugse Memorial Scholarship — worth $10,105 each — went to Katie Noland, Austin Ha

lverson, Jessie Hardin, Sam Wavra, Lindsay Garpestad, Austin Baune, Montana Pederson, Cole Bass, Nicole Mason, Joseph Lehotsky, Mary Christiaens and Kaci Felstet.