Face mask requirement to be lifted in HS, MS buildings Nov. 15
November 14, 2021
GFPS Press Release
Friday, November 12, 2021
Great Falls Public Schools has been monitoring the COVID-19 spread since school started. This information was shared with the District COVID-19 Advisory Panel this week. Based on the analysis of the data regarding the lower infection rates in our schools and the recent overall downward trend in the community transmission rates over the past few weeks, the requirement for the use of facemasks in Middle Schools and High Schools across the District will be lifted beginning Monday, November 15, 2021. However, the use of face masks will be highly recommended in middle and high schools, especially in congested areas where physical distancing of 6 feet or more cannot be maintained for more than 15 minutes.
The masking requirement for Great Falls Public Elementary Schools (grades TK-6) will remain in place. Hopefully after the Holiday break, sometime in early January, the mask requirement in elementary schools will be reconsidered as well. This will give parents/guardians who choose to access vaccines for students in elementary grades, the opportunity to do so.
Our goal is to keep schools open and teachers engaged with our students as much as possible.
Parents, staff and students are reminded to monitor your health and wellbeing each day. If you are feeling sick and/or exhibiting any flu-like symptoms, please stay home and contact your health care provider. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html
Students, with parent consent, and staff can access rapid tests at most schools and at the Community drive-through testing center at the Fair Grounds. https://www.alluvionhealth.org/covid-19/