Felix Waegele


Imagine uprooting your life, leaving home for a year and going to live in a different country. And all of this at the age of 16.

Some students might say that takes a lot of guts, but for foreign exchange student Felix Waegele it is just another life adventure.

“I came here because I wanted to know the true American way of life,” Waegele said. He comes to CMR from  Biberbach, Germany, a small village that is not unlike Montana. A lot of the competitive sports in Biberbach are similar to the high school sports in Great Falls.

“Back home I play in a lot of Judo competitions,” Waegele said. “Everyone is fighting everyone. It is great.”

Waegele has been competing in judo for eight years and claims to be one of the strongest in his village group. He says his favorite part of the sport is being able to see how strong he is compared to other team members. Although Great Falls does not have a judo gym, Waegele has adjusted.

“I play football for the high school,” Waegele said. He explained how even though it is not entirely similar to judo it is just as competitive.