Spotlight: Alexis Kjono

Even though she might seem fun and sweet as you have a casual conversation with her, Senior Alexis Kjono has earned herself a different name in the skating rink.

“My name was Wreck-less Alexis.”

After watching the movie Whip It, Kjono said that she was determined to join the ranks of the eccentrically named women in the local roller derby. Having a wide variety of women from the age of 17-62 the roller derby has offered a way in which women can interact and have fun with a variety of other people.

“[There are] lots of strong, independent women on it,” Kjono said.

Not only did Kjono say that the sport a local form of entertainment but also has a team in just about every major city in the state. These cities have a bout, or a competition about every month along with the three times a week practice that most teams endure.

Kjono did leave the sport earlier this year, but even then she did say she enjoyed the roller derby while she was on it.

“I feel in love with the sport.”