Librarian watches newspaper methods change


Holly Spragg and Katie Mygland

Technology has changed the way schools around the country operate and advance. Librarian Noel Osterman watched the process of creating and publishing a school newspaper.

“It either happened my junior or senior year of highschool,” Osterman mentioned when reminiscing about her time of her high school newspaper, The Sentinel Konah. She said she went to Sentinel High School in Missoula.

The media center specialist said she was on the newspaper staff all four years of her high school experience, becoming the News editor her junior year and the Editor-In-Chief her senior year. She also spoke about the reasons she joined the newspaper.

“I have always loved to write, it was fun to follow stories,” Ostermen mentioned about what she enjoyed the most about her time on the publication.  The Sentinel Konah was published about twice a month and had about 10-15 staff members.

She spoke about the main difference she experienced toward the end of her high school experience.  She said that they would have the pieces they wrote printed out in thin, vertical columns and they would cut and paste them together how they wanted it.  She also mentioned that they had sticky wax paper they used to make the layout of any page, and if a mistake occurred, they had to start over. Osterman compared the process to that of a typewriter.

“It totally revolutionised what we did,” she said about the change to a computer software.  She also mentioned that it was like learning anything new, it was difficult.

Osterman has always loved writing, and she hopes to achieve something that she has always wanted.

“One of my goals is to write a book,” she said, and also mentioned she had been published for an assignment for her Master’s degree.